Unleash the Magic: Linking to Specific Spaces, Rooms, and Tags in Your Matterport Tours with Openhaus Pro!

Unleash the Magic: Linking to Specific Spaces, Rooms, and Tags in Your Matterport Tours with Openhaus Pro!

Are you tired of sharing Matterport tours that start from the beginning every time? We've got a neat trick up our sleeves! At Openhaus Pro, we're turning the sharing game around. Introducing the art of pinpoint precision – the ability to link directly to a room, a tag, or even a product within your Matterport tours. Forget the generic experience, and join us in the realm of tailored tours. Buckle up, because we're about to show you the quirkiest way to make your Matterport tours absolutely unforgettable.

Ever shared a Matterport tour only to realize it's a labyrinth for your viewers to navigate? Fear not! At Openhaus Pro, we've reimagined how you share your immersive experiences. Matterport's out-of-the-box sharing might not always hit the mark, but our magic wand (well, technology) lets you share a tour that takes your viewers exactly where you want them to go – straight to the good stuff!

Picture this: you've organized your Matterport tour into distinct rooms, each with its own charm. With Openhaus Pro, sharing the kitchen's cozy vibes or the chic living room becomes as simple as clicking a button. Just click on that Share button, and voila! You've got a direct link that guides your viewers right to the heart of your chosen room. No more starting from scratch – your viewers will be where the action is in an instant.

But wait, there's more! It's not just about rooms; it's about making those products pop. Got a stunning product tagged in your Matterport tour? With Openhaus Pro's sorcery, you can share a link that teleports your viewers straight to that product's location within the space. Whether it's the comfiest couch or the trendiest artwork, you're giving your viewers a VIP access pass.

Ready for the magic trick? It's as easy as sharing a YouTube video (well, almost). Check out our Openhaus Pro portal, where you'll have the power to share links that lead your viewers exactly where you want. Get ready to level up your Matterport tours and make them feel like an enchanted journey tailored just for your audience.

Why settle for a cookie-cutter tour? With Openhaus Pro, you're the master magician, guiding your viewers through an experience that's uniquely yours. Say goodbye to confusion, and say hello to tours that are as smooth as butter. Embrace the magic – explore the Openhaus Pro world and get started on your customized journey today!

πŸͺ„ Ready to sprinkle some magic into your Matterport tours? Explore the possibilities with Openhaus Pro and let the enchantment begin! πŸͺ„