How-To Scan Small Spaces with a Matterport Camera

How-To Scan Small Spaces with a Matterport Camera

TRANSCRIPT: In this video I'm going to talk a little bit about how you can go about scanning small or tight spaces with a Matterport camera. As you can see in this tour there's a bathroom here and the the person who created this tour, what the normal tendency to do is to go and place the Matterport camera right in the middle of the bathroom. And what this does is it just kind of creates a poor viewing experience for whoever is looking at the bathroom. You can't really get a good idea for what this bathroom actually looks like because we're just placed in the middle of it and unless we Zoom all the way out it's kind of hard to get an idea of of what really this bathroom is all about.

We're going to take a look at just another example here this is also another bathroom. If I go in here I notice that the person who created this tour also did a similar thing where again they just simply place the Matterport camera here in the middle of the bathroom and if you do that it just makes it so that the user has to zoom all the way out to be able to even semi get an idea of what this shower would look like.

So one thing that we've done when we are creating tours ourselves is we found that the best thing that you can do when scanning a tight or a small space is actually place the Matterport camera in the corner of the room. As far against both walls as you can. And what this does is it gives you, without zooming all the way out, a way better Viewpoint of what this room actually looks like.

So if you are a Matterport provider and you're scanning closets or bathrooms we'd highly recommend that you in addition to putting one maybe in the middle of the bathroom you put it in the corner of the room, so that people who are viewing the torque can actually get a semi-decent idea of what this what this room looks like. That's the tip that we got for today, hope you enjoy!

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