How To Enable Openhaus Mattertag Distance Filter

TRANSCRIPT: In this video I'm going to show you how you can turn on and off our matter tag distance filter you're probably wondering what do I mean by that if you look at the screen you'll notice that in this Matterport tour as you look out across the showroom you can see a lot of Mattertags different items that we've gone and tagged in this space a lot of people would say that this kind of detracts from the overall experience and isn't very aesthetically pleasing and so what we've done is we've built a way so that as you move throughout the space matter tags will either appear or disappear so that when you're looking across the entire tour you don't see these unnecessary matter tags in your field of vision so this is just the generic Matterport view.

Now if I click over here, I can see this is what that tour would look like within Openhaus with the Mattertag distance filter enabled. You'll notice that within my field of view right now, I can only see five different tags. But as I begin to walk around, tags will begin to appear and disappear.

Let me go over here around the corner so I can demonstrate the purpose. Even further you'll notice that based on my proximity to a specific tagged item the Mattertag will appear. As I walk around this showroom, I can see that these matter tags will begin to appear and disappear almost like magic. It makes it so that as I look across a wide open Matterport tour, it doesn't get cluttered up with a lot of Mattertags.

Now moving into your Openhaus portal account. Let me show you how this works if you log into your account, you'll be dumped into the main dashboard page that looks like this. Here on the left hand side of the navigation bar there's a Styles button. I'm going to go ahead and click it. On the right hand side there is a button that says "Tag Icons." If you click here and open the drawer, there's a check box that says "Use Mattertag Distance Filter."  If I want it on, I will check the box. If I want to disable it, then I will uncheck the box and then click save and refresh.

This will enable you to make it so that your Matterport tours, if you have a lot of Mattertags in a space, they don't clutter up the user experience and it makes it much more aesthetically pleasing to look at and view rather than seeing this big sea of Mattertags.

Thanks so much!